Craigslist is one of the tops and the world’s oldest Classifieds websites. The website was founded in 1995 by Craig Newmark. Originally, it was intended to be a classifieds website to showcase local events for the San Francisco Bay area. The Chief Executive Officer is Jim Buckmaster. The headquarters are located in San Francisco, which is where they have always been located. Craigslist is available worldwide, in over 570 cities in over 70 different countries. Craigslist is available in various languages, including English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. Craigslist is intended for use by people who are at least 18 years of age or older.
To use Craiglist, you will first need to specify where you are located. This will ensure that you see posts that apply to your area. Craigslist only includes metropolitan city areas, but you can search in the nearest larger city that is available. There are various categories on Craigslist, including Community, Services, Discussion Forums, Housing, For Sale, Jobs, and Gigs. The Community section includes activities, events, groups, classes, lost and found, missed connections, rants and raves, and more. The Services include available services that are available in your area. The Discussion Forum includes posts from members involving various types of discussions. The Housing section includes real estate for sale and rent, as well as business real estate. The For Sale category includes items that have been posted by individuals for sale. The Jobs and Gigs sections include available job positions and part-time gigs in your area or the surrounding area. The Resumes section allows you to upload your resume so that employers can see it.
Craigslist is completely free to search and respond to ads. Creating a Craigslist account is optional. But, if you post ads, it would be good to create one so that you can edit and view your posts easier. If you want to post ads, prices will vary depending on your location and the category that you post within. To cancel Craigslist, simply follow the instructions that we have included on this page.
Get together the following account information:
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Reason for Cancellation
Follow these steps:
Use your internet browser to visit
You’ll need to login with this info: username and password
Use your internet browser to visit
Inform them that you are contacting them to cancel within the body of the email
Now put in your info where it asks for it
As usual, just in case, keep the proof that you’ve cancelled handy. when received back from Craigslist
NOTE: This method has reportedly worked for some people, but others report no action taken by craigslist.