How to Cancel Bikerplay

bikerplay is also known as

  • bikerplay

About bikerplay


Get together the following account information:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • City
  • State/Province/Region
  • ZIP/Postal Code
  • Country (if outside USA)
  • E-mail Address on account
  • Phone Number on Account
  • Last 4 digits of Credit Card being charged
  • Amount of Last Charge
  • Date of Last Charge

Phone (Live Agent)

Follow these steps:

  1. Contact them by calling 1-888-983-0264
  2. Inform them that you are contacting them to cancel
  3. So that they can locate your account, provide the information they ask for
  4. Be sure to ask for and document the date of your final charge
  5. Ask that you be refunded
  6. Ask for documentation that you contacted them
  7. As usual, just in case, keep the proof that you’ve cancelled handy.

Web Chat

Follow these steps:

  1. Use your internet browser to visit
  2. Hit the link that says Start Live Chat
  3. Inform them that you are contacting them to cancel
  4. Ask for documentation that you contacted them
  5. Be sure to ask for and document the date of your final charge
  6. As usual, just in case, keep the proof that you’ve cancelled handy.

Web Form

Follow these steps:

  1. Use your internet browser to visit
  2. Now put in your info where it asks for it
  3. Request cancellation in description box
  4. Hit the link that says submit

MORE ABOUT bikerplay

Address 1333 SE 2nd Avenue
Address 2Suite 2000
Zip/Postal Code33131
Contact Information
Phone 11-888-983-0264 
Phone 21-646-328-5024
Main Site Url
Help Site Url
Web Chat Url
Contact Form Url
Terms Of Service Url
Privacy Policy Url

Known bikerplay charges

  • DONNAPLAY.COM 16463285024 GB