How to Cancel Mediaserf

Mediaserf is also known as

  • Mediaserf
  • Media Serf

About Mediaserf

Mediaserf is an online digital entertainment company, offering unlimited movies to customers for a low monthly membership fee. The website is owned by Groove Clip Ltd. The headquarters of the company is located in London, United Kingdom. Mediaserf is available to customers in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Signing up is simple. You will have to enter some basic details about yourself. These basic details include your first name, last name, phone number, and email address. You will also need to create a password that can be stored each time that you log in. The website will ask for your debit/credit card information, which will be stored on your account. You will need to read and adhere to the Terms & Conditions before continuing with the account setup. After completing the account details, your account will become an active account. You will be able to download the player and explore the library of movies. The library includes various types of movies, including action, comedy, mystery, suspense, horror, vintage, westerns, and more types of popular movies. The movie player app is available on Android devices, iOS devices, tablets, computers, and tablets. New content is uploaded daily, so you will always be up-to-date and be able to enjoy the newest releases. Monthly subscriptions are available for $34.95. Free trials may also be available to new customers. During the 5-day trial period, you will have access to the content. After the trial, you will be charged the regular monthly membership regularly. Canceling your account is simple and we can assist you with doing so. If you want to cancel Mediaserf, follow the cancellation instructions outlined on this page.


Get together the following account information:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Amount of Last Charge
  • Date of Last Charge
  • Last 4 Digits of Card
  • Reason for Cancellation
  • Country
  • ZIP/Postal Code
  • State/Province/Region
  • City
  • Billing Address
  • Password
  • Username
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number

Phone (Live Agent)

Follow these steps:

  1. Contact them by calling 1-888-982-9686 or 1-302-483-7701
  2. Inform them that you are contacting them to cancel
  3. So that they can locate your account, provide the information they ask for
  4. Ask that you be refunded
  5. Ask for documentation that you contacted them
  6. As usual, just in case, keep the proof that you’ve cancelled handy.

MORE ABOUT Mediaserf

Address 1Kemp House
Address 2152 City Road
Zip/Postal CodeEC1V 2NX
CountryUnited Kingdom
Contact Information
Phone 11-888-982-9686
Phone 21-302-483-7701
Email 1[email protected]
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